Happosai's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Happosai
Age: ?
Eyes: Black
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): "The Evil Wakes"
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 6
Love Interest: Any good-looking female
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Pantyhose Taro, Soun, Genma

Profile: Happosai is basically the founding father of Anything-Goes Martial Arts. He trained not only Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome, but in his travels he managed to pass on his art to some other people as well.
The "training" that he put Soun and Genma through, though, was cleaning up his messes, having to "take the fall" for him, and basically making life a living hell for the two. One day, though, Soun and Genma finally got away from Happosai's control. While Happosai was passed out drunk from wine that they brought to him, Soun and Genma took Happosai, trapped him inside a box, threw the box in a cave, created a cave in of the entrance, and rolled a boulder over it. Thinking they were finally free of Happosai, Soun and Genma left.
After many years, though, Happosai managed to escape from the prison created by Soun and Genma and make his way to the Tendo dojo. Fearing that Happosai was out for revenge, Soun and Genma immediately groveled before his feet. Happosai, though, was only looking to "train" the next heir to the Anything-Goes school of Martial Arts - namely, Ranma. Knowing full well about the "training" of Happosai, and also of his incredibly lecherous nature, Ranma refused to follow him. Since then, Happosai has made several attempts to defeat Ranma in order to train him, and at the same time, moved into the dojo and made a nuisance of himself in his panty-stealing and perverse behavior toward any of the females in the household, or in the neighborhood of Nerima in general.

Personality: Happosai, though he claims to be the consummate martial artist, is the most immoral, perverted old man on the planet. He is continuously trying to touch girls or get close to them, especially Akane and Ranma (when in female form, that is). He is a notorious panty and bra thief and has stacks of them in his room at the Tendo dojo. At times, likes to pass the blame onto others to cover up his own actions. Not known to be someone who gets angry very easily unless one tries to stand in his way or foil one of his plans.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez